Websites that Determine Intrinsic Value of Stocks

Several websites provide tools and resources to help investors estimate the intrinsic value of companies. Here are some popular ones:

1. **Yahoo Finance**: Yahoo Finance offers a range of financial data and analysis tools, including stock screeners and historical financial information. While it doesn't directly calculate intrinsic value, you can use the data provided to perform your own valuation analysis. Yahoo Finance - Stock Market Live, Quotes, Business & Finance News (Will need to pay)

2. **Morningstar**: Morningstar provides comprehensive stock analysis, including fair value estimates for individual stocks. Their analysts evaluate companies based on various factors and assign a fair value estimate, which investors can use as a reference for intrinsic value.Morningstar | Empowering Investor Success Great information to check

3. **GuruFocus**: GuruFocus offers a variety of valuation tools, including discounted cash flow (DCF) and discounted earnings models, to estimate the intrinsic value of stocks. Users can input their own assumptions and parameters to perform customized valuations.

4. **Value Line**: Value Line provides investment research and analysis, including proprietary stock ratings and estimates of fair value. They offer historical and projected financial data, as well as analysis tools to help investors assess the intrinsic value of companies.

5. **Simply Wall St**: Simply Wall St is a platform that provides visual analysis of stocks, including valuation metrics and estimates of intrinsic value. Users can access detailed company reports and perform scenario analysis to understand the factors influencing a stock's valuation. I've been using the simply wall st 2 years + ago. It shows revenue, net profit/loss and also the fair value of the company. (5 reports per month free) 

6. **Stock Rover**: Stock Rover offers stock screening and analysis tools, including valuation metrics and discounted cash flow (DCF) models to estimate intrinsic value. Users can customize their analysis and track multiple stocks in their portfolio.

7. **MarketWatch**: MarketWatch provides financial news, data, and analysis tools, including stock screeners and company profiles. While it doesn't offer intrinsic value estimates directly, investors can use the information provided to conduct their own valuation analysis.

From MorningStar Article. 

What gives a company an economic moat?
Companies with moats have one or more of the following characteristics:
  • Network Effect. Lots of people are using the service, which then makes the service more valuable to the people who use it.
  • Intangible Assets. Patents, brands, regulatory licenses, and other intangible assets can prevent competitors from duplicating a company's products or allow the company to charge a significant price premium.
  • Cost Advantage. Firms with a structural cost advantage can either undercut competitors on price while earning similar margins, or they can charge market-level prices while earning relatively high margins.
  • Switching Costs. When it would be too expensive or troublesome to stop using a company's products, the company often has pricing power.
  • Efficient Scale. When a niche market is effectively served by one or a small handful of companies, there is no room or incentive for potential competitors to enter the market.

It's important to note that estimating intrinsic value involves making assumptions and projections about future cash flows and earnings, which can be subjective and uncertain. Therefore, it's advisable to use multiple valuation methods and consider the opinions of analysts and experts to arrive at a well-informed assessment of a company's intrinsic value.

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